William Henry Allen Williams Portfolio. Retouching. Illustration. 3D Modelling, and Animation.


When I was younger, I never thought I could sit down in front of a computer for 8 hours. I had been a waiter, a bartender, a barista, a musician, and occasional light construction worker. Then I graduated college and asked a friend “Now what?”. He told me to come and intern with his photography company, OMS.

I spent a week hearing the Art Director debating where a piece of grain should be in the shot for a cereal box. I thanked my friend for the offer and thought, “not for me.” College had taught me to evaluate experiences, so I asked to interview him about OMS, it’s history, and the photography industry. He said to write out 20 questions. So, I did and included a summary on what I thought he did.

“We’re going to find a place for you.”He informed me. “No one has ever written my own business plan back to me before.” Apparently I got it about 80% right.

“You’re an artist and you know how the business end works. We can teach you the software.”: was his theory. The other members of the Digital Team were not as optimistic. But when I sat down at that computer something switched. Maybe it was all the hours I’d put in doing home audio recording and designing posters for my band. Maybe it was just staring at that big bright screen like a moth, but I taught myself Photoshop. Then the rest of the OMS Digital at taught me how to use Photoshop right. I went on to learn Illustrator, Logic Pro, worked with Blender, Sculptris and eventually learned Zbrush (my favorite). I retouched, worked the printer, and did audio editing for 5 years.

Sadly, all good things must come to an end. Since leaving two years ago I’ve been a freelance digital artist. And I’ve found that what that means changes on a daily basis. I’ve designed stuff, made 3D models for games, but I’ve also been pushed into animation, and even web design. My goals are to push my knowledge and craft in all areas of illustration and digital arts: from physical paintings and prints, to 3D animation, and audio. I’m following this as far as it can take me. Because when I was really really young, I had a tray of plasticine and spent hours everyday making dinosaurs, dragons, & goblins. And, now I’ve found, that was all I ever really needed.

I'm a spacer